Scattered Heart Pieces

“I’ve left a piece of my heart in so many places.

Makes you wonder if any remains. What is left?

Perhaps this is why I’m not as sensitive, or perhaps I’m more.

Are our hearts truly unlimited? I think so. 

But there is a price for all the love. Grief perhaps is the currency.”

A close friend and colleague of mine shared with me this recent journal entry of his. 

He and I met while doing humanitarian relief in a conflict zone. Such shared experiences bonds people like us. We speak the same language and have similar hearts. A few years later we found ourselves sitting by a fire pit together, crying because of the grief of the things we’ve seen, the experiences we’ve had, and the missing pieces of our hearts that we’ve left behind. But in our moment of tears, we found our hearts healing. Expanding. New growth. Preparing to go again to yet another place where we would leave pieces behind.

There are others like us. A whole family of chipped hearts, with scattered pieces, who find each other in obscure places around the world. Willing to yet again pay the price for the love of humanity.


The Sacrifice of Following Jesus Overseas